Sunday, June 19, 2016

On the Fact that in 2007 (in an Interview with George Stephanopoulos), Then Senator Obama Sounded as if He Was Willing to Move Higher Education Preferences from a Race-Based Approach to a Class-Based One

Yeah, he changed his mind after the election and doubled-down on racial preferences (in higher education, federal hiring, new government programs, etc.). Big surprise, huh?..................................................................................................P.S. Not that we should be surprised by any of this, mind you; the fact that candidates always say shit on the election trail (FDR promising to reduce federal spending, LBJ promising to stay out of Vietnam, Bush 1 promising "no new taxes", Bush 2 promising a "more humble foreign policy", etc.) and almost always renege afterwards. It's just that this was such a golden opportunity and Obama, instead of being smart and courageous, simply tried to placate his base. Such a disappointment.

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