Saturday, June 4, 2016

On the Fact that Even Though White Folks Didn't Invent Slavery and Were Actually the First Culture to Eradicate it, it Is Only We Who Seemingly Have to Pay Perpetual Amends for this Institution

Guilt plus piety equals self-flagellation. Every time.......................................................................................................P.S. And, no, it isn't just slavery here. The West also advanced science and gave to the world such important concepts as liberal democracy, free speech, freedom of the press, free-market capitalism, the rule of law, secure property rights, equality before the law, and the separation of church and state. Yes, we've also done some bad things but so, too, have other races/ethnicities; the Zulus under Shaka Zulu, the Mongols under Genghis Khan, the Muslims when they invaded Spain and tried to subjugate the French (they were ultimately halted at Poitier in 732 by Charles Martel), the Turks when they tried to capture Vienna and centuries later when they slaughtered the Armenians, etc., etc.. Enough already with this guilt, I say.     

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