Tuesday, June 28, 2016

On the Fact that (According to a Wikileaks Release) 40% of British Muslim Students Want Sharia Law and 32% More Think that Killing in the Name of Islam Is Appropriate - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340599/WikiLeaks-1-3-British-Muslim-students-killing-Islam-40-want-Sharia-law.html

And pointing this out makes me Islamophobic, I guess.....................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I don't support Donald Trump's Muslim ban in that that would be both an overreaction and counterproductive. A much more reasonable approach would be to tighten up on the screening process and make our immigration decisions based on common-sense (people who think that gays should be murdered, for example, I would NOT allow in) - you know, as opposed to emotionalism (per the Republicans) or pure political calculation (can you say, Democrats?). 

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