Tuesday, May 31, 2016

On the Fact that Social Justice Warriors Always Try to Destroy Their Opponent's Livelihood (Like Sharpton Did with Don Imus, for Example)

We need to stand up to these bald tyrants and it appears that some of us finally are (Sam Harris, Pat Condell, Maajid Nawaz, Colin Flaherty, Dave Rubin, Tom Woods, Ilana Mercer, Janice Fiamengo, Warren Farrell, Paul Joseph Watson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Milo Yiannopoulos - the "Dangerous Faggot", Christina Hoff Sommers, etc.). THANK GOD....................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, sometimes their tactics can backfire. Like with this Garrison fellow who did the Michelle Obama looking like a power-forward cartoon (which, yes, was somewhat distasteful but then a great amount of satire tends to be - HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The SJWs went after him full-bore (he even got death-threats which makes SJWs no better than al Qaeda) and now he's more popular than ever. Oops, OOOOOOOOPS

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