Sunday, May 15, 2016

On the Claim that Poverty Cause Crime, Especially Black Crime

It's absurd and if you don't believe me just look at the history of America; the fact that for the first 120 or so years of the country pretty much everybody was poor and the crime rate was nothing like it currently is in much of the black community. If you're asking me, a far more logical explanation for the high crime rate is the fact that the out-of wedlock birth-rate in the black community is now well over 70% and that because of this there presently exists a veritable army of young black kids with little to no male supervision destroying their communities. Yes, it's a tougher message and you'll probably be labeled a racist for delivering it but sometimes the truth hurts and being that the strategy of pouring money down a rat-hole (as they've done in Baltimore and other cities) hasn't worked, it's probably worth an attempt.....................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the drug war has also produced a shitload of unintended consequences (many of them bloody) and I would absolutely tweak that sucker, too.

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