Saturday, April 30, 2016

On the Fact that Jimmy Carter Signed Into Law (After Initially Opposing it) the the Steiger Amendment; a Piece of Legislation that Reduced the Top Capital Gains Tax Rate by Nearly 44% (from Over 49% to 28%)

More evidence that Carter was a moderate to conservative Democrat (his douche-bag antics post presidency aside) whose views were much more in sync with JFK and Al Smith than they were progressive buffoons such as FDR, McGovern, etc............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I've ultimately concluded that Carter was an underrated President (the fact that the guy cut taxes, deregulated various sectors of the economy, brokered a peace between Egypt and Israel, appointed Paul Volcker as Fed Chairman, kept spending relatively low, worked well with the Republicans, etc.) whose failure was at least to some degree the function of dumb luck....Plus he was an honest fellow. Gotta give him some cred for that as well.

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