Tuesday, April 12, 2016

On the Democratic Socialists of America Website Proclaiming that it Is a Long-Term Goal of Socialism to "Eliminate All but the Most Enjoyable Kinds of Labor" and that Until this Can Happen "These Tasks Will Be Spread Among as Many People as Possible Rather than Distributed on the Basis of Class, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, etc. as They Are Under Capitalism"

So, these idiots think that diaper-changing, garbage-collecting, burger-flipping, sewage-maintaining, embalming, pest-controlling, etc. are simply going to happen some day magically? I mean, yeah, some of this stuff might evaporate through automation EVENTUALLY (a double-edged sword for low-skill workers in that it potentially robs them of the chance to develop rudimentary work-related skills) but certainly not all of it and certainly not tomorrow..................................................................................................And how exactly do these fascistic pricks propose that we divvy out these dirty often thankless jobs OTHER THAN THROUGH THE BARREL OF A GUN, GOVERNMENT COERCION, ETC.? Yeah, they don't exactly specify and seriously, do we really want to force doctors, architects, and chemists to waste their talents flipping burgers just to salve the consciences of some paranoiac leftist idiots? Me - I vote, no.

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