Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Truest Words Ever Spoken

"Sir (in response to a blood-thirsty Federal thug proclaiming that 'niggers' were the cause of the Civil War), folks that are wanting war can always find a cause (a swift kick in the pants rapidly ensuing)." Blount Baker, a small North Carolina slave boy, "Slave Narratives", volume 11, part 1, page 65.....................................................................................................P.S. And, while, yes, the one positive thing from Lincoln's war was the end of slavery, let's not kid ourselves here. The fact of the matter is that this was the most bloody (unnecessarily so in my view - the casualty stats prorated to today's population being 7,000,000) and divisive emancipations in all of world history (making Haiti look like a vacation in the Adirondacks), and to say that this was a good war when the rest of planet got rid of this horrible institution with little to no bloodshed and that Lincoln was some sort of hero, sorry, cannot go there.    

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