Tuesday, March 29, 2016

On a Recent Yahoo Hit-Piece Which Compares Donald Trump to George Wallace

As I patiently wait to see a comparable piece comparing Hillary to Nixon or Sanders to Ho Chi Minh...........................................................................................P.S. And what exactly has Trump done to or said about black people that is comparable to George Wallace? I mean, yeah, he said that dumb thing about illegal immigrants and wants a pause on Muslim immigration but a) he never denigrated Mexicans as a whole and b) based on that Pew research study (which showed that a majority of citizens of Muslim countries hold views which are 180 degrees diametrical to ours) and the fact that even many of Obama's own security people have warned us of a possible terrorist infiltration of the migrant population, his Muslim pause may not be anywhere near as insane as its being made out to be (and it's certainly a boatload less draconian than what FDR, that progressive darling, did to the Japanese). 

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