Saturday, March 19, 2016

On the Fact that (According to a Pew Research Survey) 94% of Afghans, 93% of Tunisians, 92% of Moroccans, 92% of Iraqis, 87% of Palestinians, and 85% of Egyptians Think that a Wife Must ALWAYS Obey Her Husband

Yes, as a libertarian, my tendency is to favor immigration. But I gotta tell you, when I see stats like this and when I observe the chaos that's currently taking place in England, Sweden, and Germany, I must confess that I do have some doubts and at the very minimum we need to screen better. I mean, don't you agree?......................................................................................................P.S. And it isn't a racial thing with me. I have personally worked with a lot of West Indian blacks over the years and almost without exception they have been good, decent, hard-working people who I wouldn't mind seeing more of frankly. The problem is much more ideology and I do have to ask here, WHY would a country be so damned willing to bring in people who do not share their ideals; free speech, respect for women, freedom of the press, freedom of religion (a lot of the same people in this survey also think that death is the appropriate penalty for apostasy), gay rights, etc. and who apparently (in Europe anyway) want to change their society? Yes, Trump has stated things poorly but maybe he isn't entirely wrong (his idea of a safe-zone, for example). I mean, can we at least discuss these things without being called names?

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