Saturday, February 20, 2016

On the Fact that in 1861 (According to Historian, Jonathan Noyalas, and the Official Virginia County Vote) Winchester Virginia Voted 81% in Favor of Seceding from the Union

The most telling statistic of all is that nearly half of the black population there was free. I wonder how those folks voted........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I do have an anecdote here. According to Roger Delauter's book, "Winchester in the Civil War", an African-American women wearing a black crepe rosette badge in honor of Stonewall Jackson (who had recently died) was ordered by Union Forces to remove the badge and when she refused was banished from the town. People (whether they be Iraqis, Filipinos, or folks from the South) don't like being occupied apparently.

1 comment:

  1. They didn't take kindly to getting occupied in Bend, Oregon.


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