Wednesday, February 3, 2016

On the Bernie Sanders "Plan" to Take $5,000 from Middle-Class Taxpayers and Magically Turn it Into $10,000 Worth of Health Insurance Coverage

  It's ludicrous and yet there are low-information voters out there who buy it. And let's be honest here, it was government interference that created this whole mess of out-of-control healthcare costs; the wage-controls of the 1940s which created the incentive for employers to offer health insurance to their employees as a substitute for raises (an act that really got the ball rolling on this whole idiotic third-party payer bullshit), those moronic FDA policies of the 1960s which increased the cost of bringing a drug to market by eight-fold, the creation of Medicare and Medicaid (also in the 1960s - two programs that were initially supposed to be small and modest but which now take up close to a quarter of the federal budget) which subsidized the cost of healthcare even more, etc., and so excuse me if I'm a little skeptical that this inarticulate socialist buffoon thinks that HIS intervention is going to rectify things. Trust me, it won't. 


  1. Yeah, Bernie should go after the real problem, or else
    mandate prescriptions drugs from Canada.

  2. Reimportation of drugs from Canada is a no-brainer and I hope that both sides could agree upon that.


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