Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fascistic Jeopardy

Katie Eyre of "Oregon Catalyst" asks a superb question; "When have any of us heard of a time when someone has served the sentence they were handed by a judge, been released, have no parole violations, but then get sent back to jail years later for additional time??"......And, no, I can't think of a single example. Can you?............................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, this act against the Hammonds was an absolute and despicable piece of bald-faced tyranny. The fact of the matter is that a) the first fire was an approved controlled burn that, while, yes, it did do damage to adjacent public land, the damage was insignificant and, if anything, the fire improved the land (this, according to a BLM Range Conservation Specialist named Dave Ward - compare this many of the BLM fires that burn down houses, cause millions of dollars in damages, and murder cattle via torture) and b) the second fire was set to stop a lightning fire that was headed straight to their ranch and only damaged ONE acre of public land. Yeah, maybe they should have served several months (and did) but when you have federal assholes negligently burning down hundreds of houses and literally torturing animals to death and not even getting shit-canned, I'm not even sure about that. 


  1. You serve your time, you paid the price. Your debt is free and so are you.
    IMO, those fellows have been dragged through double jeopardy and treated worse
    than a lot of the criminal thugs that flit through the system with a pat on the head. It was a raw deal. Whether it is an excuse to put on our combat gear and
    become a land squatter is an individual choice.

  2. And I don't even think that the Hammonds wanted those guys to show up.


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