Monday, January 25, 2016

On the Left's Non-Stop Vilification of Fossil Fuels

There folks really need to take a course on the history of energy. 'Cause if they did, they would soon realize (assuming of course that they could put aside their preconceived ideas) that if it wasn't for the discovery and widespread usage of fossil fuels, we would all probably still be living hand to mouth toiling on a farm, killing off the whole world's population of whales for our lanterns, chopping down every damned tree that we could find, not traveling more than a few miles from where we were born, and kicking the bucket by age 40 - a short and brutish existence, in other words.........................................................................................Of course, what I love more than anything is the fact that they do all of this bitching and moaning while enjoying the fruits of this very technology; automobiles, airplanes, computers and the internet, cell phones, air conditioning, advanced medical technology, etc. (none of which could be sustained today with green energy). I mean, just look at the "carbon footprint" of some of these damned hypocrites (James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Gore, etc.) - it's off the fucking charts....Do as I say, apparently.

1 comment:

  1. Odd thing about fossil fuels: we muck tar sands and frack farmland and obtain
    record amounts of oil. Prices drop-good, the stock market tanks-bad. WTF goes on
    with the energy market?


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