Thursday, January 28, 2016

On the Fact that an Eyewitness of the Shooting of Lavoy Finicum (a Participant in the Oregon Rancher Standoff) Has Stated that Mr. Finicum Was Shot in the Face with His Hands in the Air and Several More Times While He Was Lying on the Ground

Something tells me that the left isn't going to champion this "hands up, don't shoot" narrative like they did the prior one (the fact that the victim was white, conservative, a militia member, a gun-rights activist, etc., the fact that the killers were the federal government during a Democratic administration, etc.). Just a guess here.....................................................................................................P.S. Me, I'll be waiting for the evidence (cop-cam videos, pictures of the autos, autopsy results, etc.), thank you (the fact that I will not do to this law enforcement officer what the knuckle-dragging and race-baiting left did to Officer Wilson - NO WAY).


  1. Personally, if police arrested me, I would keep my hands in plain sight. The thing about Oregon that I have been pondering is the armed seizure of US property by
    citizens. A cursory look at history suggests that the last episode was John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry. As we know, that ended quickly and violently. The various
    forms of resisting arrest require snap judgement and sometimes mistakes are made,
    but I tend to side with law enforcement whether the case involves black, white, native American or armed nutcase.

  2. The guy was an idiot for certain. I would just like to hear the sound from that video to know whether or not the shots preceded the dude moving his hands (the fact that some folks say that he was reaching for his gun while others say that he was reaching for his wound)....That, and it appeared like the second shot was in the back.


  3. Al Sharpton was going to lead a protest against this shooting but he didn't have a cowboy hat.


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