Tuesday, December 22, 2015

On Shrieking Girl (that Moronic Yale Bimbo Who Was Evidently "Triggered" by a Handful of Lame Halloween Costumes and Who Took it Out on the Head Master While Acting Like a Fucking Lunatic)

  We are doing these CHILDREN (sometimes you gotta call it like it is) not a bit of good by tolerating this (the fact that the real world operates much differently) and if it was up to me I'd have suspended her ass on the spot. I mean, just listen to this idiot (I'm guessing that she's not a STEM major or she would have been studying instead of engaging in profanity-laced tirades)................................................................................................P.S. It's also been determined that she comes from a privileged background (Fairfield CT, a gorgeous home worth $760,000, etc.) and was a member of the committee which hired the head master (this after she bellowed out, "Who the fuck hired you!!? Fucking A, huh?

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