Wednesday, December 30, 2015

On the Fact that (According to Many Historians; Black, Davis, Beachey, and Toledana, to Name a Few) the Arab Slave Trade Both Predated and Postdated the Atlantic Slave Trade (to Which the Vast Majority of Those Slaves Went to South America and the Caribbean) and Easily Surpassed it in Terms of Cruelty

And yet only white Europeans and white Americans have been forced to expiate, apologize, and grovel 24/7. Fucking A, huh?...................................................................................................P.S. It also must be pointed out that there was a brutal and vibrant slave trade that took place in the interior of West Africa and that this existed well into the 19th Century AND that there still exists in Haiti a form of child slavery (the Retavek system) that keeps young kids in perpetual poverty and works them into near oblivion ( for additional context.


  1. Probably best exemplified by Tippu Tip who traded in slaves
    and ivory from deep in the Congo over to Zanzibar. You can't avoid him when reading about the explorers Stanley & Livingston. Like early French traders in
    N America, he was a 'halfbreed', a go-between between the outside and the natives.
    Small wonder that part of the continent is known as 'Darkest Africa'.

  2. "for Zanzibar's clove plantations." Love cloves!!


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