Thursday, December 31, 2015

On the Fact that (According to the Daily Telegraph, April 2008) the White Population of Zimbabwe Has Plummeted by 93% Since the Early 1980s

And this (the loss of many of the country's most educated and talented people) has aided Zimbabwe how exactly?..............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, this white population loss has been even more pronounced in the agriculture sector (Rhodesia, for all of its warts and issues, was quite literally the bread-basket of Africa and now look at it) where the white-owned farm population has gone down by 96% (a combination of government redistribution policies and flat-out theft and terrorism; axe and machete wielding gangs who've threatened and assaulted white farmers, forcing them to vacate, ransacking their personal possessions, slaughtering their cattle, torching their crops, polluting the water, etc.). Nice, huh?

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