Thursday, November 12, 2015

On the Fact that and Various Other Leftist Sites Are Trying to Get CNN's Don Lemon Off the Air Simply Because He Refuses to Drink the Cyanide-Laced Purple Kool-Aid Which States that All Black People Must Think a Certain Way

These people are so fucking ignorant. There has NEVER been a unanimity of thought in the black community (and, yes, I hate that term); from Frederick Douglass confronting his critics, to Booker T. Washington debating with W.E.B. Dubois, to Martin Luther King disagreeing with Malcolm X, to Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Robert Woodson confronting liberal orthodoxy in the '70s and '80s. And, while, yes, the black vote has largely gone Democratic over the past four decades or so years, nowhere is it written that it must continue that way and I have to ask these assholes - so, who was it that died and made your opinion THE opinion of black people, and until they do answer it, flock 'em........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I DO like Don Lemon. The fellow is fair, open-minded, and a role-model not just for African-Americans but gay folks (it's not easy being gay in the black community - just ask Lemon), too. 

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