Saturday, November 28, 2015

Groucho on Politics

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies."......Now THIS is a Marx who I agree with............................................................................................P.S. The most obvious example of this is of course anthropogenic global warming; the fact that governments have tried to pin what has been a modest temperature increase (.7 degree Celsius) over the past 130 years on human-induced CO2 when we all know that that's patently ludicrous (the fact that a significant chunk of the warming took place in '20s and '30s - well before the massive increase in man-made carbon emissions, the fact that CO2 has a strong logarithmic relationship with atmospheric warming, the fact that feedbacks in natural systems are almost invariably negative, the fact that the increases in CO2 have only correlated with the thermally-induced CO2, the fact that global sea-ice has essentially been a flat line for 30 years, etc., etc.) and then tried to "fix" this nonexistent problem with moronic green energy solutions such as ethanol (.05 watts per square meter and wind turbines ( a watt per square meter) and a cap and trade scheme that has only benefited big bankers and other fat-cats.


  1. Greatest Groucho line ever,IMO.

    "I once shot an elephant in my pajama's.... how he got in my pajama's, I'll never know"...... I think its from Animal Crackers.

    A close second...."I'd never belong to a club that would have me for a member"

  2. How 'bout when Marty Feldman imitated him in "Young Frankenstein"; "you take the blonde, I'll take the one in the toibin."


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