Monday, October 26, 2015

Some Thoughts on Apartheid

What people have to realize is that the Apartheid system (which actually started under British rule) wasn't born out of any sort of racial superiority mindset but out of fear; the fact the Boers were aware of what a) the Zulus had done to all of the other African tribes on their murderous track south in the 19th Century (the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands), b) the Haitians had done to the white inhabitants of that island after the French troops had left (a full-scale genocide), and c) the Communists (who for all intents and purposes were calling the shots by then) had done to the Ukrainians and their own people after the Bolshevik Revolution...........................................................................................And it isn't as if the blacks had gotten nothing in the deal. The Zulus and the Swazis both (through the Natives Land Act) had been given large areas of what was some of the most fertile land in the country and a boat-load of money, too. Yes, they eventually started flooding into the white areas because of the job growth, etc. but that was a win-win situation in that on practically every indicator possible (life-span, income, infant mortality, etc.) the well-being of blacks improved............................................................................................Look, I'm not saying that Apartheid was a perfect policy but I truly believe that if the West and the Commies had stayed the hell out of it a peaceful and far more effective resolution (a two-state solution, power-sharing, etc.) would have occurred and at the very least the place wouldn't be at Stage 6 of Genocide Watch's rankings, for Christ.

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