Thursday, October 1, 2015

On the Fact that Afrocentric Nut-Cases Like David Imhotep Jones and Clyde Winters Are STILL Trying to Convince Folks that Sub-Saharan Africans Were the Original Migrants to North and South America (Sailing from Africa) and that They Preceded the Native-Americans by Over 50,000 Years

  There is no evidence whatsoever for this. a) Jones's claim that the Africans came to America approximately 54,000 BC is fully refuted by the archaeological record which shows that the earliest human appearance came at somewhere between 12 and 16,000 years ago. b) His claim that the Native-Americans didn't cross the land-bridge from Asia until 3,000 BC is as ludicrous an absurdity that exists and no reputable archaeologist or geneticist has ever given it credence. c) All African Y DNA from the New World has to this day been completely consistent with post European contact (the earliest African-Americans having come with the Spaniards as slaves in the mid-16th Century) AND NOT PRIOR TO IT. d) Sails were unknown to Africa prior to the Portuguese landing there and no one has ever uncovered evidence of ancient cloth or textile production anywhere on the continent. And e) the claim by these hucksters that the Indians of Tierra del Fuego were actually Sub-Saharan Africans, simply because their DNA was slightly different from the other South American tribes, has repeatedly been debunked and no sane person believes it...........................................................................................................Look, I get it. History has largely been penned from the white European perspective. But to go from that to a philosophy that has as its core one ludicrous myth after another (one of the other biggies of course being the claim that the ancient Egyptians were black) isn't the right answer, either. I think that UC Davis's Clarence E. Walker probably stated it best when he said that, "Afrocentrism is a mythology that is racist, reactionary, and essentially therapeutic....Just because you want to believe that the world was created by black people doesn't make it so."

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