Friday, October 16, 2015

On the Fact that (According to Historians Burt Fulsom and Allan Nevins) for the Bulk of the 19th Century, Middle and Working Class Families (Largely Because They Couldn't Afford Whale Oil and Candles) Were Forced to Go to Bed Early Due to a Lack of Lighting and that it Wasn't Until Rockefeller Brought Down the Cost of Kerosene from 26 Cents a Gallon to 8 Cents a Gallon that Most Folks Were Able to Engage in Evening Activities at Home

Name one thing that the government has done this well.................................................................................................P.S. And, no, don't say, winning two world wars, 'cause if it wasn't for the stupidity of two American leftist Presidents we wouldn't have had to fight those moronic wars to begin with.


  1. Some times guv't accomplishes that which the private sector ignores:
    "Private electric utilities argued that the government had no right to compete with or regulate private enterprise, despite many of these utilities' having refused to extend their lines to rural areas, claiming lack of profitability. Private power companies set rural rates four times as high as city rates"
    __and so the R.E.A. was created__
    "In 1934, less than 11% of US farms had electricity. In comparison, nearly 90% of farms in Germany and France had electricity in that same year. By 1942, nearly 50% of US farms had electricity, and by 1952 almost all US farms had electricity"
    __While Pacific Gas & Electric, Duke Energy and Edison Electric were not happy,
    millions of farmers were overjoyed.__

  2. We paid for it, though, if not in rates in taxes.


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