Monday, September 14, 2015

On Trump and Nabisco

  What this moron fails to understand is that one of the main reasons why Nabisco packed up that plant in Illinois and moved it to Mexico is because of the high cost of sugar in the U.S., and that one of the main reasons for this high cost of sugar is the fact that we still have tariffs on this commodity. Hello!!......I still can't believe that this guy graduated from Penn (the Wharton School).........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, even by protectionism's paltry standards, this tariff just might be one of the most idiotic ever; the fact that (according to the new book by Wayne Leighton and Edward Lopez, "Madmen, Intellectuals, and Academic Scribblers") the federal government fritters away through tariffs and subsidies $2 billion a year to support 61,000 full-time equivalent sugar growers while creating a $4 billion a year LOSS to approximately 1,000,000 full-time equivalent employees in the sugar USING industry (not to mention the higher cost to consumers) and so, yeah, the overall dead-weight loss to the American economy is $2 billion (at least) a year.

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