Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On the Claim that 750,000 Jews (a Population that Is Greater than the Cities of Tampa and New Orleans COMBINED) Were Cremated Outside at Treblinka Using Wood as the Primary Fuel

It is absurd. a) Human bodies aren't readily combustible (especially outside, piled one on top of each other, etc.) in that they are largely water (up to 75%) and b) for the Germans to have accomplished this dastardly deed, they would have needed more lumber than any singular event in human history and there is no record of wood being shipped to Treblinka and no evidence of massive deforestation near the facility............................................................................................Look, I'm not saying that Treblinka was a walk in the daisies or that there weren't atrocities there but this whole narrative of Germans gassing three quarters of a million Jews with diesel exhaust (seriously - the supposedly "efficient" and ruthless Germans using the least efficient asphyxiation possible?), burying them in pits that were way, WAY, too small to accommodate the bodies, digging the corpses back up in an effort to destroy the evidence, and then burning them in the least efficient manner possible is a bridge that stretches credulity too much for me (an erstwhile Zionist).

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