Tuesday, August 4, 2015

On Some Transgender by the Name of Zoe Tur Grabbing Conservative Pundit, Ben Shapiro, by the Neck (on the Dr. Drew Show) and Threatening to "Send Him Home in an Ambulance"

Can you even begin to imagine if a conservative had done this to a liberal? They'd have been banished FOREVER, and with just cause. But not a liberal! No, sir. They can get away with anything because they are bulletproof (sanctimony, faux outrage, and self-righteousness being their version of kevlar, apparently).............And what kind of an idiot thinks that ambulances take people to their homes (and not to the much more logical destination of the hospital)? Hello!!


  1. Perhaps the ambulance is taking the person home, because the hospital has closed. Obamacare has forced some hospitals to shut down.

  2. That's awful, BB. But at least he didn't physically assault his opponent, as happened in this incident. Violence is something else altogether.

    I've also seen people demand the murder of George W. Bush, including a banned commenter in these parts.


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