Saturday, August 15, 2015

On a Hundred Dollar an Hour Minimum Wage

How come nobody is suggesting this? I mean, if increasing the minimum wage has no discernible negative effect on employment, why be so skinflint? I say, let's go for it.


  1. Go for it, Will. I will invest in yacht-building companies to get ready for this.

  2. Ridiculous argument Will. You running out of ideas? How about a zero wage?

  3. Yes, Will. Tell us, what would happen if the mandated minimum wage amoun were set to $0 per hour.

  4. My point here was that the progressives will admit that at $100 an hour many people will be unemployable but that they won't admit it at $15 an hour. Get it now, Truth?............As for your question, dmarks, I'm gonna go with, not much (the fact that only 2-3% of folks earn minimum wage now and so getting rid of it wouldn't seem to have a huge effect).

  5. Will, what about those, especially youth, who are unemployed now due to the minimum wage. If gas stations, etc were able to offer to pay them $6.00 an hour (illegal now) instead of nothing at all, do you think it would be a major help to the youth unemployment problem?

  6. The minimum wage is killing black teens especially.


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