Sunday, August 16, 2015

On the Fact that 99% of NOAA's "Adjustments" to the Temperature Record Have Been to the Warmists' Advantage

That is a mathematical and scientific impossibility and the only logical explanation is fraud...............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the recent Karl, et. al. paper in which these scoundrels try and do away with the 18 year global warming pause is a perfect example in that they a) completely jettison the satellite and radiosonde balloon data (the gold standards of measurement), b) utilize instead engine intake data that has been thoroughly contaminated by heat conduction, and c) added 1.2 degree Celsius to the buoy stats to make them match the engine intake data (the scientific equivalent of throwing good money after bad). We hear a lot from progressives like Shaw and her buddies that we should "trust the scientists". Fuck that, I say.......

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