Friday, August 7, 2015

On Donald Trump Saying that Megyn Kelly Had "Blood Coming Out of Her Eyes, Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever"

I will put my anti-establishment bona fides up against pretty much anybody's, but if this is what they're offering up in 2016, yeah, I'm gonna say, no, this time. Sorry.


  1. The Donald has an oblique way of going after the women's vote.


  2. Megyn Kelly made the debate a reality show and it worked....24 million viewers.

    IMO Trump is bringing a bit of comedy to an otherwise boring process, I love all the idiotic conspiracy's about Trump being in the race....maybe worrying about The Donald will keep the leftwingnuts busy and they wont have time to cut up unborn babies.

  3. Kasich and Carson were the only 2 who came off as half sane, I think.

  4. The small-tent," no compromise at all" wing of the Democrats hates Kasich too.


  5. Your boy Rand Paul dug himself a hole he will never get out of.....he's becoming a one trick pony, I think him and Edward Snowdon are the only people who give a shit about the NSA

  6. I do like Paul but I'm not wedded to any of these guys honestly.......Who knows, Carly might be the one (she almost reduced Chris Matthews to tears the other night).


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