Thursday, August 27, 2015

On Bernie Sanders and that Hapless $9 an Hour Auto Detailer Who Irresponsibly Had Kids that He Couldn't Provide for and Who Seemingly Doesn't Have a Desire to Improve His Human Capital, Skill Set, etc.

And what exactly is Bernie Sanders going to do for this fellow? Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, an act that would more than likely price him out of the market? Add yet another federal entitlement program to the 126 that currently exist ( and to which he is probably already eligible for? Hold a gun to his head and make him get additional training? I mean, I know that the left constantly thinks that it can fix things and all (and, yes, a certain amount of compassion helps) but a) their track record is pretty poor and b) wouldn't it be nice if these folks occasionally came up with something original (a la Charles Murray's negative income tax proposal, John Breaux's premium support plan, etc.)? Just to change things up, I'm saying...........................................................................................P.S. And anybody who tells you that they can't improve their human capital is bonkers. I just got a course-listing in the mail from my local community college and these folks offer certificate programs for Certified Nurse's Aide, Hospital Patient Care Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Pharmacy Technician, Security Officer, Real Estate Principles and Practices, Principles of Lean Manufacturing, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.), Therapeutic Recreation, and Bookkeeping and Quickbooks. And this is just one venue, folks. Multiply it by X


  1. Sally Struthers' voice piped up in that last third of your post...

  2. Q. What do you call someone doing $9 an hour worth of work but the employer is coerced into giving them $15 an hour?

    A. a thief.

    (Or "unemployed", because this coercion will strongly encourage the employer to abolish this position)

  3. How about value stream manager ? Ran into one the other day that didn't know Sh*t. Easy work
    excellent pay and bennies.


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