Tuesday, August 11, 2015

On Barney Frank in 2004 Writing this to George W. Bush; "The New Crackdown (on Fannie and Freddie) Would Weaken Affordable Housing Performance by Emphasizing Only Safety and Soundness"

What a clueless, crony (the fact that his then boyfriend was an executive at Fannie) buffoon..........................................................................................P.S. Of course, what makes this even more infuriating in the fact that he now has the cajones to say that it was HIM who wanted to reform Fannie and Freddie and that it was George Bush and the Republicans who stood in opposition. I mean, that's sick.

1 comment:

  1. Look at some of the more narrow definitions of fascism, Will. Those that limit it to the conflating of corporate power and government power.

    Aren't Freddie and Fannie... private corporations that are also government agencies... a good example of this?

    And it is all about greed: through this corrupt/deceptive situation, you ended up with those at the top raking in tens of millions in taxpayer money a year as a reward for destroying the economy.


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