Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Confiscation Nation

Walter Williams makes a great point. He says that if you were to break into your rich neighbors home, steal money, and distribute it to a bunch of poor people, you would be arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for multiple years, but when the government does it (buttressed by a plurality of as puny as 50.01%) nothing happens. I mean, I know that the political class of America de facto thinks that what it yours is also theirs and all, but when you really stop and ponder it, damn, huh?


  1. This is why any candidate for any elected office that doesn't support immediate asset forfeiture not a whit about liberty.


  2. Have you ever checked out the Institute for Justice, CI (they have a Youtube channel and a web site)? These people fight for liberty (mostly in support of individuals and small businesses) on a daily basis.


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