Wednesday, July 1, 2015

On Ted Cruz Being Asked by a News Reporter, "Do You Have Personal Animosity Against Gay Americans?"

I don't have a problem with it (the fact that I'm pro-gay-rights and hate all politicians). I just wish that the liberal candidates were equally grilled. So, for instance, a reporter might ask, "So, Mrs. Clinton, do you think that a woman should be able to abort her 8 1/2 month fetus because she's depressed?"......Or this, "So, Mrs. Clinton, you do realize, don't you, that even if we were to pass the Kyoto protocols, Cap and Trade, etc., it would only change the earth's temperature by a tiny fraction of a degree and being that it would probably cost the world trillions, do you still think that it's a good idea?...................................................................................................P.S. And for some perspective here let me yet again reference energy expert, Roger Pielke and his groundbreaking book, "The Climate Fix". In order for the world to achieve a 50% reduction in emissions by 2050 (factoring in both population growth and increased power needs), we would have to a) completely eliminate coal consumption, b) completely eliminate natural gas consumption, and c) reduce our petroleum consumption by 40%, and in order to achieve these targets, we would either have to build 12,000 nuclear power plants (close to one a day for the next 36 years), 2,000,000 solar thermal plants (close to 150 a day for the next 36 years), or 8,000,000 wind turbines (close to 600 a day for the next 36 years). Again, I ask the sane and reasonable folks out there, does this seem even remotely possible....And, yes, that would be a good question for Hillary, too.

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