Thursday, July 2, 2015

On Mike Huckabee Purportedly Wishing that it Him Who Had Come Up with this Whole Transgender Thing so He Could Have Showered with Chicks Back in High School

I'm sure that there are dumber comments by Presidential candidates in the past (James Buchanan maybe, Benjamin Harrison perhaps)....I just can't think of one right now....Seriously, though, what a dick.


  1. Probably trying to one up the Donald.

  2. Must be something in the water in Arkansas. If this had come from Bill Clinton, it would have fit, too.


  3. Huckleberry is a dunderhead of the first order. He cost Romney the Florida primary in 2008,which resulted in McCain winning the state and the nomination thereby becoming one of the worst candidates in history.

    While the governor of Arkansas he pardoned a convicted killer who went on to murder five cops in the state of yea, Huckabee has spent his adult life being a horses ass.


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