Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Note to Planned Parenthood

I need about a dozen spleens and eight small intestines. Can you hook me up here? Volume discount maybe?


  1. I fully realize PP does some good work but performing abortions are by far the majority of their services and they have now have a hot light on them.
    I for one would not want one dollar of my tax money going to them. I think this issue has legs (pun intended) and may cost the dems.


  2. Its interesting that none of the left leaning blogs are getting near this issue.If they don't mention it maybe it will go away.

  3. Those at the top of PP rake in millions, and the outfit receives billions in corporate welfare from the government.

  4. Actually I think that that cute chick on MSNBC (Alex, I forgot her last name) tried to spin it and looked even dumber than usual.......And, yeah, I'm starting to agree with you guys on this one. Yes, continue to provide poor people with birth control but do it in a different way and let PP get their cash the old fashioned way; by earning it and through private donations.


  5. With Obamacare PP isn't needed. I wonder what Sandra Fluke's opinion on the matter would be.....hey,what ever happened to that dizzy bitch...

  6. I read that this is all OK because the money that PP is making chopping up kids and selling the pieces is not enough for them to make a profit.

    A real weak defense. If we use this logic, we can excuse any other corporation for any sort of malfeasance if it is not making a profit (i.e. bungling business practices, poor management) at that time.

    "PP get their cash the old fashioned way; by earning it and through private donations."

    Too bad the Hyde Amendment, put in place to stop the government from being involved in the business of harming the young, isn't interpreted to such direct subsidy to the abortion industry.

    But the funding could end up in danger. Remember ACORN, the election fraud scam, that got cut off finally.

  7. Rusty: Good point. The abortion industry thrives on people not knowing what they do. PP is very extreme, and greedy: they demand tax money to to be used to harm unborn children all the way up to newborns. It's run by sickos who get their jollies killing as many of the unborn as possible.

    Do they need to engage in their deadly sadism on the public dime?

  8. The lady was talking about crushing skulls while drinking wine and eating salad. Yeah, that's a wee-bit sick.

  9. I'm not a big O'Reilly fan but when he's right he's right.


  10. Not one progressive blog has touched this story because even they cannot justify PP actions.The MSM gave ten times of their coverage to that lion being killed then any PP story.....sad state in America.

  11. There is an extreme end of the "pro-choice" side. And only someone who is extreme would deny it.


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