Thursday, June 11, 2015

On John Kerry Claiming that He Docked His $7,000,000 Yacht (Manufactured in New Zealand with Zero Outrage from the Left) in Rhode Island Not to Avoid Paying Taxes (Sales and Excise) but for Chartering and Maintenance Reasons

I don't believe him for a New York minute. Do you?....................................................................................................P.S. And, while, yes, he did ultimately agree to pay the sales tax, a) he only did so when the publicity amped up and b) it still isn't absolutely clear that he HAS paid the taxes (the Boston Herald claims that the tax collector in Nantucket still doesn't have a record of payment). That, and I really love the way that he phrased it; that he would pay the taxes "whether owed or not", and that he was seemingly doing it out of magnanimity. Fuck him.


  1. Ah Will, paying the taxes was the altruistic thing to do. You know, sacrificing some of his multi millions for the good of the state. Another champion of the poor and the state feeling pangs of quilt?

    DO NOT AS I DO, RATHER DO AS I SAY... Yeah, right Mr. Undertaker.

  2. Bought a canoe for $129 back in '68. I didn't think it would make it to Rhode Island or Nantucket, so I paid the Minnesota sales tax.

  3. Something that isn't clear: before the outrage, was he paying, or intending to pay, the taxes he was legally required to pay?

  4. It doesn't sound like it, dmarks. Only when the lousy publicity started.


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