Tuesday, June 9, 2015

On Global Warming Wingnut, Gavin Schmidt, Refusing to Debate Roy Spencer on John Stossel's Show (Only Consenting to Appear Separately)

Well, considering how he got his ass handed to him by Richard Lindzen and Michael Crichton on that PBS Intelligence Squared debate, you can't really blame the guy now can you?


  1. BB, is/was either Crichton or Lindzen in the back pocket of Koch or the fossil fuel industry?

    That was you recent claim about those who question the climate dogma paradigm.

  2. For that matter, what about you, Will? You are quite skeptical of the claims. Is Koch Industries slipping you a check? BB might think so.

  3. Lindzen may or may not have gotten $2,500 (barely enough to cover the dude's expenses) for providing testimony but other than that MIT pays the bulk of his bills.

  4. And, yes, I'm still waiting for my first installment.

  5. And the real money is on the alarmist side; government grants, cash from NGO behemoths like the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, etc..

  6. Just wondering why it is that folks (in this case scientists) whose views differ from one's own are considered wingnuts, morons, or stupid.

    Guess I just don't "get it".


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