Wednesday, June 3, 2015

On the Forced-Labor Camps that Castro First Set Up in Camaguey in 1965

Yeah, they were loaded to the gills with "undesirables"; tramps, drug-addicts, prostitutes, hippies (i.e., those that listened to the Beatles, the Stones, etc.), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals (and, please, keep in mind here that these Commie madmen pretty much suspected that ALL artists, intellectuals, and writers were gay), etc., and it was always considered a critical part of the "purge". Nice fellas', huh?............................................................................................P.S. For a more in depth evaluation of these atrocities, I strongly suggest that the reader check out the documentary, "Improper Conduct". It'll fill a lot of it (a man-sized dose and not for the squeamish) in for you.

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