Monday, June 8, 2015

On the Fact that Only One Quarter of One Percent of the Minority-Owned Businesses in the U.S. Were Even Certified (Circa 2002) as Entitled to Preferences Under the Small Business Administration and Even Among that Minuscule Fraction of Minority Firms 2% Had Received 40% of the Money

This is how preferential policies have almost universally played out. Only those minorities that are already doing nicely (i.e., those from Pacific Palisades, the North Shore of Boston, Palm Beach County, the suburbs of New York City, etc.) reap the benefits while the truly needy essentially get bubkas. Yeah, we really need to reassess this one, folks.......................................................................................................Sources - George La Noue's essay, "Discrimination in Public Contracting" from "Beyond the Color Line" (edited by Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom) and Thomas Sowell's "Affirmative Action Around the World".


  1. Giving corporate welfare to companies due to the skin color of those involved... well, that is wrong in two ways (corporate welfare is wrong, and so is racism)

  2. I've also seen first-hand white-owned businesses positioning unqualified minorities just to meet the technicalities of these racist corporate welfare programs....

    This behavior of course is exactly that is encouraged by the SBA preferences. And it is damn insulting to minority individuals at the top of successful businesses who got there through actual merit.

    Will, which is worse: racism, corporate welfare, or racist corporate welfare?


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