Monday, June 29, 2015

On Donald Trump's Despicable Anti Mexican Immigrant Comments

This is the same vile shit that fellows like Millard Fillmore were spouting against Irish and German immigrants in the 19th Century. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. Screw Trump...................................................................................................P.S. And he isn't even right on the facts. As the Wall Street Journal's Jason Riley, Texas Tech's Ben Powell, and George Mason's Bryan Caplan have all stated, a) ILLEGAL immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born citizens and b) the states with the highest growth rate in terms of Mexican immigrants are actually the states with the FEWEST entitlements. Not that facts are important to a guy like Trump but still.


  1. "Despicable" or truthful? Do you actually think those are doctors,lawyers and PhD's coming across the border.

  2. It's also the same racist, nativist "vile sh*t" that is at the center of much (but not all) opposition to free trade.

  3. I just hope that he doesn't make the top 10 and get into those debates (though in a certain way it would be amusing).


  4. Believe me,I'm no Trump fan....he was a driving force in wrecking Atlantic City's gaming future's.

    I've said it before about The Donald and it still holds true.....there are people who have money and there are people who have F**K YOU money...Trump is in the latter category.

    You have to admit, he says shit other's are scared shitless to say....that's F**K YOU money in action.

  5. He also helped destroy the USFL when he strong-armed the other owners into playing games in the fall (he was angling for an NFL franchise, I think).


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