Thursday, June 4, 2015

On the Concept of Gun Prohibition

Let's see, considering how smashingly well that the prohibition on alcohol went, and how well that the prohibition on drugs is currently working out, yes, it sounds like a boffo plan to me.


  1. It's not much of a concept. Just an appeal to emotion that falls flat when countered with facts, reason and 'common sense' [to usurp the narrative of the gun control camp].

  2. Gun prohibition; impossible in a country awash in the things. Odd, back in the day
    (starting early 1800s), guns were banned in communities. The rationale was that they
    didn't mix that well with bar life. IMO, the NRA has succeeded in pushing the 2nd
    up to its limits, Scalia having disqualified its reason-the causative clause about
    well-trained militia, and replaced it with self-defense. If that's not judicial activism, I'm not sure what is. Yet, we get along fairly well considering. Although, as is more common than thought, the known crazies are free to carry their
    armament- here, a fellow who had been picked up and warned 4 times in the last year
    for weapons in public places, used them to wipe out his wife's family last week.
    IMO, there is a bit of a problem when we accept folks we know to be unhinged to
    build an armory and wait until substantial 'collateral damage' until the law is allowed to act. I'm sure Wayne Lapierre can explain it all, though.

  3. Having a consistent attitude across all 3 is a good idea...

  4. In 1993 there were 747 violent episodes per 100,000 in America. That has dropped down to 387 per 100,000 (along with a 51% drop in the murder rate). This while gun ownership and right to carry laws have proliferated. Go figure, huh?

  5. Therefore we should push the envelope and pass open carry in all 50 states? Seems that would be the next logical step goven your statistics.

    I'm thinking given present political realities the good ole USA will regress to days of old with the posse and vigilante justice.

  6. If you don't like conceal carry, RN, you don't have to participate in it.

    1. Did I say conceal carry? No, I specifically said OPEN carry. It nuts, it is unnecessary, and it does not not make for a safer or sane environment.

      But keep drinking the NRA kool aid if if makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy.

    2. My mistake, I realized as soon as I posted the comment. But my comment applies to both. And it is unrelated to vigilantism.

      If you feel it is unnecessary, fine. But those choices of those who feel it is necessary matter as much.

  7. We're up to 44 or 45 already, Les. And is the sky falling?

    1. Hooray, guns, bibles, and bullshit. NRA is grand and America is exceptionally grand in firearm proliferation. Much needed to prepare for the next revolutionI suppose.


  8. Chicago has the most stringent gun laws nationwide and Saturday night there is like Dodge City in the 1870's.

  9. Yeah, open carry is a little out there. No argument.

  10. I wonder how many did die in Dodge.

  11. According to a number of historians, the "wild west" is largely a myth and in reality it was kind of boring.


  12. Depends on one's definition of boring


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