Monday, June 22, 2015

On the Concept of Extrapolating from One Heinous and Racist Action the Conclusion that America Continues to Be a Racist Country

It's ludicrous and makes about as much sense as concluding from that recent home invasion that black folks are inherently violent. We live in a country of over 300 million people and to try and conclude anything based solely upon an anecdote is about as foolhardy as it gets and you'd think that supposedly educated people would know better.


  1. If you have one of the states of Germany being evil enough to fly a Nazi flag over its top government building in the 2010's, would it be fair to say that Germany still has a problem with Nazism and tolerance of it?

    Yet we have had (until now) a US state flying the American version of the Swastika over its top government building. It gives me pause, as it should give any American pause. Except for those who love and miss the legacy of slavery.

  2. So, you're essentially arguing that racism in America doesn't exist?


  3. The Civil War was fought over money, dmarks (read Lincoln's 1st inaugural), not slavery.......Yes, Les, there's racism but being that a black person is many multiples more likely per capita to kill a white person than vice versa I'm note entirely certain that it's a one way thing.


  4. dmarks,the flag does not fly over he state flys over the war memorial.

    And actually its the business of the people of South Carolina what flags they choose to fly.

    Slavery ended 150 years about giving it a rest. Personally I had nothing to do with slavery,hell my family was still on the other side of the damn ocean in the 1860's.If you folks have so much pent up quilt over something that happened a couple hundred years ago so be with it on your own.....please don't try to pass some to others.
    Personally, I could give a shit less what type of flag the folks in S.C. want to fly,but it is their right to choose it.

  5. That's racial profiling, Will. I reject it categorically, along with the idea that all whites are privileged.

  6. And Will, the Confederate flag doesn't symbolize "money". It symbolizes something else...

    And as for broad generalizations of blacks killing whites and vice versa, I m sure these are foremost on the minds of the families of the fine individuals killed by that bastard son of the Confederacy, right?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I forgot the link

  9. I got, "whoops, that's an error" (which typefies my day so far).

  10. my fault sorry. In his comment he linked to this post
    Try this


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