Tuesday, June 9, 2015

On Anti-Gay Sentiments (and Worse) in the Black Community

It was one thing when blacks voted overwhelmingly against gay-rights in states like California and North Carolina but when you now have people like CNN's Don Lemon saying that "being gay is about the worst thing that you can be in black culture", black activist and writer Kenyon Farrow referring to the "anti-gay violence that plagues the black community", and leftist gay advocate Dan Savage concluding that "I am done pretending that the handful of racist gay white men out there are a bigger problem for African-Americans, gay and straight, than the huge number of homophobic African-Americans are for gay Americans, whatever the color", that definitely takes it up a notch. Of course, if you want to witness all of the glorious details, I strongly suggest that you check out the black on gay violence chapter in Colin Flaherty's disturbing volume, "White Girl Bleed a Lot". He documents it exhaustively and even references Youtube videos.


  1. I won't make generalizations about blacks. However, it is interesting to point out that the Left felt very free to bash Mormons for the California anti gay marriage, when it was the pretty much lockstep black vote that made it pass (not the tiny California Mormon vote).

  2. I don't mean to generalize, either. But with all of this cop on black violence that's presently permeating the media, I thought that a fuller rendering of the narrative was in order.

  3. I know. You very often attack racism, without showing any yourself.


  4. I'm guessing the black anti gay stance is a result of the black community being church based for generations.

  5. It seems a lot of folks focus on the wrong target. At center of this disgraceful conduct firmly stands religion and religious self righteousness. But is so much easier, as well as convenient, to focus on that which doesn't hit home.


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