Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On Always Blaming Discrimination for Economic Woes

Yeah, it's not a persuasive argument in that there a plethora of examples all across the globe in which minorities (many of whom have faced a great amount of discrimination) have done exceedingly well; the Chinese in Malaysia, the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Armenians in Turkey, the Chinese and Japanese in America, the Jews throughout Europe, the Germans in Russia, etc., etc., etc.. I mean, I know that we have so equated economic power with political power that we simply never question these things but, again, we mustn't be surface-thinkers here......................................................................................................P.S. And allow me to also point out here that a) African and Caribbean immigrants both do extremely well in this country and b) African-Americans themselves were making exceptional progress all throughout the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and it wasn't until we stated fucking with them (and Frederick Douglass warned about this) that they started to lose ground again.

1 comment:

  1. Blaming innocent others, often those who have their act together and successful, for one's own poor decisions and personal shortcomings is a very common problem through history. It's a major thread in the vast majority of the mass killings and atrocities of the past 100 years or so... from Nazi Germany (and most antisemitism) to the USSR to the Hutu/Tutsi thing.

    It's a lot easier to cut someone down and steal from them than it is to build something yourself. And their are various ideologies to enshrine this sort of greed, and to justify this violation of rights.


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