Saturday, May 2, 2015

Waging Wages

The minimum wage (its first application being Davis-Bacon) is a racist law with a racist history and a racist association with the labor unions. Yeah, that's right, folks. One of the main reasons that the minimum wage was created was to protect those lily-white union schmucks from competition with black labor (the fact that a lot of Southern construction firms were coming North and damned if those racist Southerners weren't employing a shit-load of black folks who were actually willing to work for what the market was paying). And if you happen not to believe me, get a load of this little gem from Samuel Gompers - "The Caucasians are not going to let their standard of living be destroyed by Negroes, Chinamen, Japs (Chinamen and Japs - nice), or any others." Or this little dandy from Congressman William Upshaw - "...the real problem...a superabundance or large aggregation of Negro labor." Those aught to convince you..............................................................................................................P.S. This kind of ties in neatly with that other big progressive idea of the early 20th Century; the eugenics movement. I mean, think about it. If a person can't get a job, they cannot eat, and if they cannot eat, they die. Win (more jobs for whites) - win (less inferior blacks on the planet).


  1. The progressives and the unions both a have a racist past.

  2. Minimum wage laws, mailman wage laws have a history going back to the 1300's. Interesting stuff.

  3. Check on the minimum/maximum wage chronology yet?


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