Sunday, May 31, 2015

This Land is Your land, this Land is My Land

According to Dr. Wilmot James of the African Genome Project, the vast majority of blacks who presently reside in Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana) are not indigenous to the region. They (i.e., their ancestors) migrated there just like the Dutch did and at approximately the same time (the Dutch in fact didn't come face to face with the Bantus until 1770). This whole notion that the Dutch settlers uprooted an established country of black people who had been there for time immemorial is a myth and the claim by folks like Jacob Zuma that Africa is only for Africans is as racist as Apartheid was and maybe worse (as nasty as Apartheid was, black folks in South Africa were light years better off there than they were in virtually every other country on the continent).......Oh, and, yeah, please stop killing the farmers.


  1. "and the claim by folks like Jacob Zuma that Africa is only for Africans"

    I am not aware of this one, Will. Can you describe it further?

    It is clearly racist and genocidal, and identical to chants made in Germany by Neo-Nazis.

  2. Pre-colonial natives in general, not just Africa, conducted warfare over tribal
    movements and territories. We note that American Indians, Maori and Asian sub
    continent peoples were in the same situation prior to European contact. Typically,
    the colonists determined enmity among autochthonous tribes, supplies arms to selected groups and encouraged increased warfare, settling on the opened territory while missionaries introduced them to the niceties of Christianity. Sort of a
    modus operandi, if you will.

  3. Shoot the Boer, kill the Boer (their version of "America the Beautiful") -

  4. The real genocidal madman and ethnic cleanser was Shaka Zulu. The blacks that died at the hands of white folks during Apartheid is a rounding error by comparison.

  5. Replies
    1. Should have read... "Coming our way soon". That in response to the Africa is only for Africans meme. A backhanded swipe at the vehement anti immigration folks everywhere.


  6. Les speaks in other worldly terms......his brain has grown so large he's now on a plain far above the normal human.He now speaks in small bite's of absolute wisdom which are unrecognizable to humans.

  7. Yeah, I didn't know Will was "in the closet."


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