Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Alarmist's Definition of "Climatologist"?

Try, anybody who agrees with them (which of course would leave out ACTUAL climatologists like Murry Salby, Roy Spencer, Judith Curry, John Christy, Tim Ball, Fred Singer, and Pat Micheals, not to mention astrophysicists and meteorologists like MIT's Richard Lindzen and Weather Action's Piers Corbyn and Princeton physicists Robert Austin, William Happer, and the retired but still active Freeman Dyson).


  1. Global carbon dioxide levels reached 400 ppm in March 2015. Highest since tracking the greenhouse gas began. Trend as been a steady increase.

    What does it mean? Guess it depends on the scientists you place belief in.

    Of course for some it's a simple not to worry cause if levels get dangerously high God will intervene and effect a miraculous reversal.

  2. There are geological records of CO2 levels being 10-15 times this amount and with some of these readings even having occurred during glaciations. And if CO2 is such a poisonous gas, then why do they pump it into greenhouses like it's going out of style and allow the levels in submarines to go well over 1,000 ppm?......And why do you keep saying "the scientists"? You don't consider Richard Lindzen of MIT, Roy Spencer and John Christy of the University of Alabama and NASA, Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, David Evans, a former climate modeler for the Australian government, Ryan Maue of Florida State, etc. scientists? Really?

  3. Well, someday everyone will know who's blowing smoke and who is correct. Frankly, I'll be dead and cremated sooner than the world will know the answers to this IMO rather foolish debate. But as I said it likely won't affect us so...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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