Saturday, May 9, 2015

On Pamela Geller

Like it or not, the Constitution was written to protect the speech of people exactly like Geller (and Eugene V. Debbs, the KKK, etc. before her) who don't go around saying, "I like kittens" or "gee, that rose is pretty". And if the Muslims don't like it, they can go fuck themselves......or at the very least turn the channel. Boom, done.


  1. Indeed the 1'st amendment was written to guarantee the right of freedom of political speech; for all. Regardless of how offensive or disagreeable some, or many, may find it.

    Pam Geller is essentially a self made marketing genius. She, like Sarah Palin, is very adept at getting herself in the limelight as a firebrand anti Muslim crusader. Whether this is wise remains to be seen. My take is her inflammatory style will acheive its goal; to inflame further an already bad situation.

    But she has the first amendment behind her. Certainly something that long term is by far more important to preserve than asking her to STFU.

  2. You are absolutely correct. And Geller is a self promoting twit.

  3. Yeah, the gal's not my cup of tea, either. But I think that the mainstream media did a great disservice by not reprinting en masse the Charlie Hebdo cover. Yeah, that would have been inflammatory as well but at least it would have shown solidarity and showed the extremists that we will NOT be intimidated.

  4. I wonder if a national women's group will sue extremist Muslim groups (CAIR, etc) because their holy book recommends the rape of women in great detail.

    Not that such is a good idea, but it kind of points out the hypocrisy in such matters of purely frivolous lawsuits.

    Of course, if all lawyers had integrity, they would not touch these matters. But that is not the case. If lawyers had integrity, you wouldn't have the famous case where a woman spilled coffee on herself, sued innocent people, and made $$$$.


  5. Pam Geller has been a Jewish activist for have to give her props for holding to her principals.

  6. Will, I have read about this event and similar ones. There have been extremist Muslims who have sought to "shut down" the event. This indeed shows a hatred for the Constitution and our basic liberties.


  7. Reminds me of when that "artist" put a crucifix in a glass of urine at a federally funded art show and hoards of Christians showed up with automatic weapons and blasted the shit out of a bunch of people.

  8. I've read some really idiotic articles saying she does not deserve protection, and Charlie Hebdo. does.

    Sorry, when it comes to freedom of speech and conscience, there is no difference between Gellar and Charlie. Respect one, respect the other.


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