Monday, May 11, 2015

On Martin Luther King Being "Nonviolent"

I'm going to go with 75% true on this one. Yes, he marched and advocated for his positions in a peaceful manner and for that he should be commended. But it also must be pointed out that King insisted that there be laws, and whenever there are laws their is force, and whenever there is force this is at least the spectre of violence (do as I say or go to jail, etc.).


  1. He was also a plagiarist -

  2. There shouldn't be laws? Equality and justice is ethically and morally right. Right or wrong?

  3. Sorry, but I'm not a proponent of the "bake me a cake or go to jail" theory of justice and in this regard I am very libertarian.

  4. I agree with Rand Paul before he flip-flopped, Les; 80% of the Civil Rights Act was appropriate but the part that forced private businesses was not.

  5. Yeah, he wasn't exactly faithful to Mrs. King was he, Russ?............Honestly here, if it was up to me, I'd junk the King holiday and have a Frederick Douglass/Booker T. Washington one instead.

  6. I just don't get the adultery civil rights linage. Maybe it's just me but then...

  7. Dr. King was not a saint. He was a human being. I find much to agree with him on, even if I disagree with him on some things.


  8. I think we all feel the same dmarks,but americans have an inclination to make saints out of some.I don't think he deserved a "day" that cost untold millions each year.After all....there is Kwanza.

  9. Rusty: Good points. Government holidays like this are just more perks that those who rule hand to themselves.

    Joe Sixpack doesn't get this day off. and as a result moves the country forward.

    Aside from the issue that the recent government shutdown was caused by the decision of President Obama, and not the Republicans.... I suppose there is a bit of hypocrisy when those who "chicken little" the whole government shutdown thing in a partisan fashion turn around and push for more federal holidays... "one-day shutdowns".

    Kwanzaa is interesting, Rusty. Founded by some Stalinist, racist supremacists with some bad ideas (and economic ignorance), the one sure thing that can happen to make those racists angry is for people who are not of the properly approved race to celebrate Kwanzaa, and to buy and sell and give commercial products (made with truly cooperative economics, and not the Marxist killing fields of Tanzania which the creator of Kwanzaa wanted to honor).

    Nothing makes a Stalinist black supremacist angrier than a Hispanic person buying a $400 iPad for a white person, and giving it while saying "Happy Kwanzaa!"


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