Saturday, May 2, 2015

On Les's View that Lisa is Worse than wd

Yeah, I strongly disagree with that one in that as far as I know Lisa has never sent HUNDREDS of unwanted comments to people who she disagrees with, created multiple web-sites dedicated solely to "refuting" these individuals, etc..


  1. Dervish has no following. Zero, Zippo, Zilch.

    Lisa has a following of deranged, racist, bigoted, ignorant assholes

    She encourages their BS and publishes it

    I rest my case.

    Believe as you like.

  2. PS: I'll defend Lisa's right to publish whatevershe damn well pleases.

    It says something about her character that she does however.

  3. I wouldn't plant my flag with either of these 2. Quite surprised that you would.

  4. I plant my flag on my own turf. Nowhere else does it fly.

    I also am a damn good judge of character, having spent 41 years dealing with and being responsible for the performance of ALL kinds of individuals.


  5. For someone who bitches and moans constantly about Lisa's blog,Les is there everyday for hours on end....that's a bit creepy.

    If the place makes him so miserable....don't go there.

    1. You are such an asswipe Shackelford. No better than radical fascist redass or the rest of the demented fools that makeThe Stench Trench what it is. A cesspool of rracism and pornography.

  6. Update: Dervish proved me wrong. He is on par with Lisa, albeit in a much different vein.

  7. Lea is right. Lisa was caught not only allowing the porn, but helping encourage people to link to it.

    As for Mr. Sanders: In the name of civility, I have made an offer to him. He read it and likely ignored it, but I have kept my side of the offer for now.

    Waiting to see if he takes down the misrepresenting posts, blogs pretending to be others, and puts a new focus on just being himself.


  8. Les's lips are so firmly planted on Shaw's ass.....what would you expect him to say.......

  9. Obama could rape little children and Shaw would still defend him.

  10. What a looad of bullshit that off the wall statement is Will. I expect it from Shackelford and the gang of lying fools and racists at the Smut Hut; but not you and not here.

    Oh well...

  11. So, Will, has Mr. Sanders stopped leaving unwanted messages on your blog? Or does he still leave many a day?


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